The next big Haskell project is about to start! If I break, you can: 1. Restart: M-x haskell-process-restart 2. Configure logging: C-h v haskell-process-log (useful for debugging) 3. General config: M-x customize-mode 4. Hide these tips: C-h v haskell-process-show-debug-tips λ> (2,3) (2,3) λ> (2 + 5,3^5) (7,243) λ> (2 + 3, 2 < 3) (5,True) Restarting process ... The next big Haskell project is about to start! If I break, you can: 1. Restart: M-x haskell-process-restart 2. Configure logging: C-h v haskell-process-log (useful for debugging) 3. General config: M-x customize-mode 4. Hide these tips: C-h v haskell-process-show-debug-tips λ> (1.2, 2.3) (1.2,2.3) λ> :t (1.2, 2.3) (1.2, 2.3) :: (Fractional b, Fractional a) => (a, b) λ> :t p p :: (Double, Double) λ> λ> :t p p :: Point λ> :t t t :: Triangle λ> fst p 1.2 λ> snd p 2.3 λ> applyTranslation symX t ((1.2,-2.3),(0.0,-0.0),(1.3,-2.8)) λ> sndPoint t (0.0,0.0) λ> thdPoint t (1.3,2.8) λ> sndPoint t (0.0,0.0) λ> 2 λ>