Решенеия на задачите от упражненията

Решения от 17.11

Решения от 17.11

by Калин Николов -
Number of replies: 5
Решения от 17.11
In reply to Калин Николов

: Решения от 17.11 от АНТОН НИКОЛОВ fn71033

by Антон Николов -

ws = [' ']
pu = ['!','.','?',',']
--Първата дума от низ
getWord [] = []
getWord (h:t) 
 |  elem h ws  = []
 |  otherwise = h : (getWord t)
 --Изтрива първата дума от низ
drE [] = []
drE (h:t)
 | elem h ws = t
 | otherwise = drE t
--Подрежда низа в списък от думи
spW [] = []
spW s = (getWord(s)) : (spW (drE(s)))

cS [] = []
cS (h:t)
 | elem h pu = cS t
 | otherwise = h : (cS t)

--Само уникалните елементи
unW [] = []
unW (h:t)
 | [ s | s<-t , s == h ] == [] = h : (unW t)
 | otherwise = unW t
--Броя на уникалните елементи по ред на появяване в низа
bR [] = []
bR (h:t) = ((length [ s | s<-t ,s == h]) + 1)  :  (bR [ s | s<-t ,s /= h ])

--Нареждане в редове!
respl l = spL (spW l)

spL [] = []
spL l = (ml l 30)  :  ( spL (drL (ml l 30) l))

ml [] k =[]
ml s k
 | length (head s) <= k = (head s)  :  ( ml (tail s) ( k - 1 - length (head s)))
 | otherwise = []
drL [] l = l
drL (h:t) (s:q) = drL t q            


--Ляво подреждане
mr [] = "/n"
mr (h:t) = h ++ " " ++ mr t

mwh [] = []
mwh (h:t) =  (mr h) : (mwh t)

reshenie l = mwh (respl l)



In reply to Калин Николов

Re: Решения от 17.11

by Михаил Кожухаров -

whiteSpaces = [' ','\n']

getword a
 |null a || elem (head a) whiteSpaces || not(elem (head a) letters)= []
 |otherwise = (head a):(getword (tail a))
dropword a = drop (length (getword a)) a

--dropspaces a = [i|i<-a, not(elem i whiteSpaces)]

dropspaces a
 |elem (head a) whiteSpaces = dropspaces(tail a)
 |otherwise = a

splitwords a
 |a==[] = []
 |otherwise = (getword a) : [getword (dropspaces(dropword a))]
clearword a = [i|i<-a,elem i letters]

uniqwords a
 |null a = []
 |null d = (c:[])
 |elem c q = uniqwords d
 |otherwise = c:(uniqwords d)
 where q = [clearword i|i<-(tail a)]
       c = clearword (head a)
       d = tail a
countword a c
 |null c = 0
 |a == head c = 1+(countword a (tail c))
 |otherwise = countword a (tail c)

wordcounter a
 |null a = []
 |otherwise = zip q ([countword i [clearword t|t<-a]|i<-q])
 where q = uniqwords a
mgetline [] l = []
mgetline (a:b) l
 |length a <= l = a:(mgetline b (l-(length a)-1))
 |otherwise = []
 where q = head b
       f = tail b
mdropline [] l = []
mdropline (a:b) l
 |length a <= l = mdropline b (l-(length a)-1)
 |otherwise = (a:b)
 where q = head b
       f = tail b
splitlines words l
 |null words = []
 |otherwise = (mgetline words l):[(mgetline (mdropline words l) l)]

In reply to Калин Николов

Re: Решения от 17.11

by Мария Калпачка -

getWord s
 |s==[]                              =[]
 |elem (head s) whiteSpaces==True    =[]
 |otherwise                          =[head s] ++ getWord (tail s)

dropWord s
 |s==[]                              =[]
 |elem (head s) whiteSpaces          = s
 |otherwise                          = drop (length (getWord s)) s

whiteSpaces=['\n',' ']

dropSpaces s
 |null s                             = []
 |elem (head s) whiteSpaces          =dropSpaces (tail s)
 |otherwise                          =s
splitWords s
 |null s                            =[]
 |otherwise                         = (getWord s) : splitWords ( dropSpaces ( dropWord s ))


clearWord s
 |s==[]                             =[]
 |elem (head s) znaciP              = clearWord (tail s)
 |otherwise                         =(head s) :( clearWord (tail s))

uniqueWords s
 |s==[]                             = []
 |elem (head s) (tail s)            = uniqueWords (tail s)
 |otherwise                         = (clearWord (head s)): (uniqueWords (tail s))

pomosht x list
 |list==[]                           =0
 |x == (head list)                   =1+(pomosht x (tail list))
 |otherwise                          =(pomosht x (tail list))
wordCounter unique all = [(word,pomosht word all) | word <- unique]

In reply to Калин Николов

Re: Решения от 17.11

by Ralitza Todorowa -

whiteSpaces=[' ','\n']
getWord [] = []
getWord (s:hs)
          |elem s whiteSpaces = []
          |otherwise = s:getWord hs
dropWord [] = []
dropWord (s:hs)
              |elem s whiteSpaces = s:hs
              |otherwise = dropWord hs
dropSpaces [] = []
dropSpaces (s:hs)
                |elem s whiteSpaces =dropSpaces hs
                |otherwise = (s:hs)             
splitWords s
            |otherwise = (getWord s):splitWords (dropSpaces (dropWord s))

clearWord [] = []
clearWord (s:hs)
           |elem s spaces = clearWord hs
           |otherwise = s:clearWord hs
uniqueWord [] = []          
uniqueWord (s:hs)
            |elem s hs = uniqueWord hs
            |otherwise = (clearWord s):uniqueWord hs

memCount x [] = 0
memCount x (s:hs)
            |x==s=1+memCount x hs
            |otherwise = memCount x hs
wordCounter u a = [ (w , memCount w a )| w <- u]
getline (s:hs) l
                |l<length s = []
                |otherwise = s : (getline hs (l-(length s)))

In reply to Калин Николов

Re: Решения от 17.11

by Радослава Димитрова -

uniqueWord l
 |l==[] =[]
 |elem (head l) (tail l) = uniqueWord (tail l)
 |otherwise = (head l):(uniqueWord (tail l))

memCount x l
 |l==[] =0
 |x==(head l) = 1+(memCount x (tail l))
 |otherwise = memCount x (tail l)


wordCounter u l
 |u==[] =[]
 |otherwise = ((head u),(memCount (head u) l)): (wordCounter (tail u) l)

 wordCounter1 u l
 | ((head u),(memCount (head u) l)): (wordCounter1 (tail u) l)